As member of the Italian Coaching from a European Perspective I attended the AICP Forum on 29 October in Naples and was impressed by President Laura Leone’s opening address to a full auditorium. She started...
The ‘Business for Good | Leaders Summit’ in Rome is the world’s first meeting of the ‘business-for-good’ movement. Founders, owners, board members, C-Suite executives and investors come together to join forces.
The Relevance of Jung’s Analytical Psychology for Contemporary Leadership Development, presented by Karin Jironet in London.
Our world is transforming at an incredible pace. Today’s leaders must be aware, in order for humanity to thrive during...
Because the World Needs Great LeadersEgon Zehnder introduced Leaders & Daughters in March 2015 in London to provide a forum for addressing both the gender divide and the opportunity gap faced by the next generation...
Our world is transforming at an incredible pace – and it always has been. What’s new this time is that our categories of mind are changing. Leadership, growth, power; well-known concepts, start to mean something...
It has been 100 years since C.G. Jung first attributed the term ‘Analytical Psychology’ to his work on mapping the human psyche. Along with Jungian psychoanalysts from all over the world I attended the International...
For seven years, De Baak has organized the annual Dutch Labor Relations Journey. It was started as an initiative by the CEO, Harry Starren, to create an opportunity for the different parties of the Dutch...
I attended the International Leadership Association's annual conference in London. The theme was: One Planet, Many Worlds: Remapping the Purposes of Leadership
Professor Jonathan Gosling, Chairman of the conference, opened and set the tone: How do...